The General Meeting is NCAB’s highest decision-making body and can resolve upon every issue for the company, which is not specifically reserved for another company body’s exclusive competence. At the Annual General Meeting, which shall be held within six months from the end of the financial year, shareholders exercise their voting rights on issues, such as the adoption of income statement and balance sheet, allocation of company’s profit or loss, resolutions to discharge the members of the Board of Directors and the CEO from liability for the financial year, the appointment of members of the Board of Directors and auditor as well as remuneration for the Board of Directors and the auditor.
At the Annual General Meetings, at least one member of the Nomination Committee, the company’s auditor and, to the extent possible, all other members of the Board of Directors, shall participate.
In accordance with the Articles of Association, notice to convene the General Meeting shall be published in Post- och Inrikes Tidningar (the Swedish Official Gazette) and be kept available at the company’s website. An announcement shall be placed in Svenska Dagbladet with information that the Meeting has been convened. In addition to the Annual General Meeting, Extraordinary General Meetings can be convened. The Chairman of the Board of Directors, as many other members of the Board of Directors as possible and the CEO shall be present at Extraordinary General Meetings of the company.
Shareholders who wish a matter to be discussed at a General Meeting must submit a written request to the Board of Directors. Requests must normally be received by the Board of Directors seven weeks prior to the General Meeting.