NCAB has appointed Peter Jensen, MD for NCAB Denmark, to be the new VP for the region Nordic, as Rikard Wallin has assumed the responsibility as Sales Director Aerospace and Defense earlier in 2023.
Peter Jensen has been Managing Director for NCAB Denmark since September 2021. Prior to that Peter had 25 years of experience from the graphical industry, including R&D, hardware development, and international sales and has held multiple senior management positions, amongst others with Glunz & Jensen. Peter will become a member of NCAB Group Management and continue to be MD in Denmark.
NCAB CEO Peter Kruk:
-We are happy to welcome Peter Jensen to the Group Management and for him to head up the Nordic region. Peter is doing a great job growing our Danish business to new levels and is an active and appreciated leader. The Nordic region is our heritage with good market positions, and there is also strong growth in the region with many qualitative EMS customers, as well as many innovative OEMs in new areas of special electronics. Thus the Nordic region represent both an important legacy and a promising future for NCAB.